Match! Property Sales, Rentals & Management Logo

Company Profile

The Match! team offers a unique combination of seasoned Property Sales and Rental Consultants and exceptional Property Administrators. We also collectively have years of experience in Strategic and Trend Analysis in the Property and Lifestyle Sector.

After 20 Years in the industry, we are confident in our ability to advise Buyers, Sellers, and Tenants.

Match! is an independently owned and operated Agency that promises that, once you’ve spent time with any of our Team, you will be more confident, informed, and empowered in your Property related decisions.

We value …

Whether you’re investing, buying your first home, or letting a unit, we understand that any property-related decision can take a chunk out of your disposable income. Interest rates, demand and supply, and rising levies and rates all have a significant
impact on your decisions.

We offer our time and advice completely free of charge. You’re only ever liable for any fees once we’ve facilitated a Sale or Lease Agreement on your behalf (to which you have agreed to the terms). Thereafter, we still provide any advice or assistance to ensure that you are completely satisfied and comfortable with the process and that every aspect of the transaction is.

We nurture relationships on the basis of a high level of Trust, Trust in our knowledge, our advice, and an absolute certainty that we have your best interests at heart. We have relationships with Attorneys, Developers, Bond Originators, and other Specialists that can assist with any of your property-related concerns. Due to our years in the industry, we have built a strong nationwide network that allows us to assist you to sell, buy or let anywhere in South Africa. We collaborate rather than compete with other Agencies so as to ensure we achieve the most favourable outcome for our Clients.

On a more practical level, it is important to advise that we conform to all requirements of the PPRA (Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority) and the FSB (Financial Services Board) as well as the PoPIA Act.
If you need any assistance, you have any suggestions or advice, or if we haven’t lived up to your expectations for some reason, please contact us as follows:

Head of Sales and Rentals: Steve Nel Cell: 0795168190.
Business Owner: Nicci Roussos: Cell 0828244484.